Thursday, May 05, 2005

Postponement of Chow Besar

TC 2day/2nite will be postponed again due to lukewarm response. This does not augur well for the 'survival' of the Thursday session. Drinking however is still going strong. We have to maintain the momentum and continue the believe that eating is a blessing. We shall not abandon our beliefs.
On a different note, Anthony Bourdain will be down the following week for a shoot for his new season. Unfortunately I will not be getting a call-up to the shoot. I am however hopeful that my suggestions to his producer will prove useful and that more common foodfare amongst the locals will be featured in the upcoming season.
I guess I'll continue to tune in to find out. I've still not blogged my Tokyo gastronomic exploits. The pictures have been uploaded but the captions are still being processed by my wife, Lee Ming. So once that is completed I shall place the link in this site.
Till the next Eaking/Driting,


Blogger Porcine Glory said...

< rant>
Sungguh slack kerana CB tak berlaku minggu ini.
harap ia akan berlangsung minggu depan.
Hingga kita bertemu lagi.
< \rant>

3:49 PM  

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