Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Sue's predicament

Reading Sue's predicament was definitely a cause for concern. Mozzies are back & we must continue our never ending battle with them! But to have dengue and not realise it was too close for comfort. Perhaps Sue, you should have seen a doctor earlier next time. Glad it came & went without any adverse effects.
Somehow though I didnt realise or detect any sufferings, as described in your posting, at your birthday party. I guess you put up a gutsy show for the big day. Thanks to all the alcohol, it must have flushed out the virus straight outta your bod. At least we now know that a neat mixture of Absolut Vanilla, Chivas, Cordon Bleu & Skyy is an alternative cure for viral infections. However the adminstration of the above must be done only by an amateur bartender who will definitely make the correct 'mistake' of over prescribing the 'med'.
Wishing everyone good health free from anymore Aedes Mozzy.


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