Monday, August 15, 2005

Friday TCs???

This is a proposal is to redesignate Fridays as the official 'Weekly Tai Chow Day' instead of the current Thursday. Memandangkan respon yang kurang memuaskan sejak kebelakangan ini, apa kata kita keluar makan bersama hari Jumaat pulak?
In fact either Friday or Saturday evenings are a good day as Thursdays will now have an additional session of futsal. Besides nothing works out better than a good meal followed by a clubbing/pubbing and in the worst case scenario a pool session.
So lets have some feedback people, Option 1: Maintain Thursday nights, Opt 2: Friday nights or Opt 3: Saturday nights. We've also to think of a nice place to have our next outing. Some 'members' have brought up the concern that seafood hasn't been on the menu for some time now. Thus, perhaps the next session shall be a predominantly seafoodish meal.
Ever looking forward to glut 2gether.....


Blogger Eugene Goh said...

am okay on thu or fri, but not too early...

tried this york crab at bandar sri damansara last wkend, nice and not too pricy. sure u guys will like their 'dong po yok'. problem is difficult to get a table as it's crowded always...

3:39 PM  

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