Sunday, November 20, 2005

Pasta Dinner

On a lazy Sunday evening after a simple lunch of instant noodles with kampung chicken eggs, LM & I decided to cook a simple dinner. After a session of 'creative juices' flowing & all the various ideas, we decidedly had to be realistic and settled on something simple in the form of a pasta dinner. Why? Because LM would be working on her deadline and whenever I cook, it'd be nice to present it decently. Lazy as I am, well the easiest pasta dish to conjure would be Aglio Olio or along that line. So we headed out towards Jarrods & Rawlings after a brief stop at LM's office to gather some basic ingredients. We also had to stop by Giant for additional groceries as well as to stock up on my fresh JUICES.

Well anyway here's the menu for the night's dinner:
Pre Dinner Drink - Honey Orange Mocktail
Starter - Salmon with dill served with Dijon Mustard
Main - Chilli Aglio Olio with Crispy Bacon Bits
Side - Classic Bangers with Sugar Schnapps

Accompanying my dinner was a bottle of Unwooded Charddonay from Wolf Blass.

Dessert has yet to be had when I'm bloggin this entry. Then again I'm already stuffed but LM's really pitching for a scoop of BLUE BUNNY ice-cream. Supper's in the oven in the form of the killa milla Baked Potatoes! Imagine a butter & cheese enriched mash encased in a boat of crispy potato skin and served with a spicy 1000 Island dip. Just heavenly while I catch the Super Sunday matches.

Alrighty, I guess this is where I stop my blogging. but before I go, curse that @$#$% Ferdinand from West Ham who just scored in injury time! How great a 1-0 win for Tottenham would have been. Don't misunderstand, I've no loyalty for any teams but any team that earns me some side-money deserves my support. Anyways I'll have to log off now & keep my fingers, toes, hands, legs & eyes crossed for the next game.

Till the next posting....


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