Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Intuitive eating?

Its now the wee hours of the morning. I'm a natural night owl and watching Travel & Discovery's HOT DOG HEAVEN is no help. Although I've seen this series over & over again, the collection of amazing places to savour one of the best exports of the American culture always gets my attention. So now, at 3.40am, my appetite begins to build up. Not that I'm hungry, in fact I had a very fulfilling KLIGF dinner at Lai Ching Yuen, Regent (I'll blog this later). But apparently my brain's receiving images & ideas of terribly appetising manners of presenting HOT DOGS, then sending out corresponding signals *I want some!* to my tummy. This is apparently intuition. Intuition for me to eat. Should I or should I not? This article proved an interesting read.


Then again, there's probably some truth in it as well. Go figure!

*No. I did not end up having supper, nor am I going to. Will power....*


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